Харуй бүрий буюу Twilight киноны трэйлэр

2008 оноос эхлэн үзэгч олныг араасаа шуугиулсан Харуй бүрийн буюу Twilight киноны 2 дугаар анги нь энэ жил нээлтээ хийсэн билээ. Тэгвэл уг киноны 3 дугаар хэсэг буюу Twilight Saga Eclipse нь тун удахгүй энэ оны 6 дугаар сарын 30ны өдөр нээлтээ хийх гэж байна.

Энд дарж киноныхоо албан ёсны трэйлэрийг үзнэ үү.

Twilight Saga Poem
It all started with my scent

Then everything came and went

You saved me from evil ones

And waited for my response

You said that you feel for me

That you’d never set me free

I was joyous for your love

That’s as gentle as a dove

But then you left me bleeding

And I was always weeping

My heart aches n every beat

As I stare in your void seat

I knew that you love me still

And there’s no space to fill

Then as you ask for my hand

My life’s a fairytale land

The prince has returned and loved me

Together forever we’d be

Everything was set on motion

Then there came a commotion

All I did was to make it all worse

Now I’m forever under this curse

I should be locked up in the black box

Buried forever under the rocks

We were being pulled apart

As the real bad troubles start

You fought for us to survive

So you could keep me alive

Now the choice is up to me

Be changed or just let things be

How I wish that I could flee

Escape this pain inside of me

Neither of my choice is bad

And for that I should be glad

I only have to break a heart,

A heart that loved me from the start

2 Response to "Харуй бүрий буюу Twilight киноны трэйлэр"

  1. ichko says:

    mongold heze garna gj bgag meded ogooch

    Budmaa says:

    oo тэгээд манайхан чинь дэлхийн нээлттэй давхцуулж л явдаг шүү дээ. Яг ижилхэн өдөр гаргах бизээ

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